Our Lord Jesus Christ

Our Lord Jesus Christ
Create Joy on Earth

Friday, December 6, 2013

"Faith in Jesus Christ not only brings blessings in this life, but it is essential to our eternal salvation and exaltation."

Mission Statment: Joy Now Won One is created to reestablish the basic connections for all who have been dismissed, disregarded, and processed with a lack of human dignity. The elderly in nursing homes., the physically, emotionally and mentally challenged, and the people who never had a chance. We believe this is a valuable gift coming from our Lord. JNWO will find and reunite old friends, relatives and neighbors create new friends and companions on a data base of self interests and hobbies. Long lost military buddies, school mates, pending High School/Technical School/College reunions, far reaching friendships from around the world and more. A data base of local professionals willing to donate their time on a casual non bureaucratic fashion, health instructors, speech therapy, Internet instructors and more. A communication lifeline providing free things to do via telephone, email, text, facebook, and tweets.

New Developments Joy Now Won One Foundation Center Local South Florida store front for all to visit, sit and discuss, and use the resources. Will announce opening in next month. Merchandise that proudly displays that you are part of God's army of Joy Givers and Receivers "Color of the Day" Each day will have a specific color to wear on your person. This will give us a chance to recognize each others hand shake, hug, kiss, smile & touch. Saturday is YELLOW Sunday is PINK Monday is BROWN Tuesday is BLUE Wednesday is GREEN Thursday is RED Friday is ORANGE

"The hope of the righteous brings Joy, but the expectation of the wicked will perish"

Donations, please contact me via email which is at top of this blog, or telephone 754-273-0197, our names are Amanda and Thomas, volunteers are also appreciated!!! May God's Blessings of Faith and Encouragement Reign upon You!!!